Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Tanka Poem

                        Tanka Poems

Silent Art Auction Tanka Poem


Tonight we had fun

We raised a lot of money

We sold umbrellas

We had an amazing time

It was the best night ever



Tui Tanka Poem

Cutest dog ever

 She is fun to play with

She sleeps all day long

She loves to play all day long

She is a really fast runner


By Andie


  1. Hi Andy I'm Mya and I found your poem very interesting,
    I have dogs that do the same thing, sleep all day, are really fast runners and are also really fun to play with.
    Here is a poem that I write about my dogs:
    They are funny dogs to hang out with
    They love to sleep all day
    They like to be playful
    They are fast runners
    From Mya

  2. Hi I am Havana, I am from Rangikura school. That dog sounds lovely, I think she sounds very playful and energetic. I would love to see her and play with her.

    What is her name?
    How old is she?
    What colour is she?

    By Havana

  3. Hi my name is Ben. I like looking at poems what I really like to do is read some and hear the rhymes. Sometimes I put it into raps and hear myself rap some poems. What I like about your story is she is a really fast runner i’m pretty fast at running. I think you're really good at poems that's why i’m commenting to see if you are good.
    Kind regards
