Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Tanka Poem

Silent Art Auction Tanka

Colours were streaming

Umbrellas were fantastic

Art and money was there

Exhausted waiters gave out food

Thrilled and anxious people were scared 

By Andrew


  1. Hi Andrew my name is Sonia,

    I really enjoyed reading your poem. I love the bit when you wrote colours are streaming, I can see it in my head, lots of colourful umbrellas surrounding the area. I also loved the bit when you said exhausted waiters gave out food, I can imagine the waiters running back and forth huffing and puffing as people are waiting for their food.

    Kind Regards Sonia

  2. Hi Andrew, I'm Joe from bayfield school,

    Your poem was great I liked the first line, colours streaming.I also liked the bit about thrilled and anxious people were scared, so visually amazing.

    From Joe
