Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Silent Art Auction Thank You

Talk4Writing - Mythical Creatures

At Tom Price Primary School we are beginning a new adventure and teaching writing using the Talk4Writing program.  

Talk for Writing enables children to imitate the key language they need for a particular topic orally before they try reading and analysing it. Through fun activities that help them rehearse the tune of the language they need, followed by shared writing to show them how to craft their writing, children are helped to write in the same style.

This slide share was our whole school hook and had students hunting for mythical creatures around the school during recess and lunchtimes for a number of days after our hook assembly was held with our enthusiastic Principal engaging our students into the topic of Mythical Creatures.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Tanka Poem

Silent Art Auction Tanka

Colours were streaming

Umbrellas were fantastic

Art and money was there

Exhausted waiters gave out food

Thrilled and anxious people were scared!

By Andrew 


How to be a respectful classmate

How to be a respectful classmate


To be respectful you have to have honesty, kindness, helpful and be encouraging. That is the reasons why you should be respectful all the time. You need to be respectful to your family and your classmates.


To help be a respectful classmate you could use THINK. What THINK means each of the letters mean something? The T is for is it true the H is for is it helpful the I is for is it inspiring. The N is for is it necessary and the K is for is it kind that is what each letter stands for.


First let’s talk about the two first letters of the  of think which are t and h the t is for is it true so is it a lie or is it something that is made up. The h is for is it helpful so should you really say it and is it helping someone.


Secondly let’s talk about the third and fourth letters of the word think. The I is for inspiring is it going to make someone be inspired by your words. The n is for is it necessary so should you really say it or not.


Thirdly the last letter of the word think is k and lets talk about being respectful. The k is it kind is it nice or mean and think before you speak. Remember to be respectful to your class mates and yourself.


Remember to use your think and other ones that you have learnt in school. I hope you remember what I said and don’t forget.


By Jayde

Tanka Poem

Silent Art Auction Tanka

Colours were streaming

Umbrellas were fantastic

Art and money was there

Exhausted waiters gave out food

Thrilled and anxious people were scared 

By Andrew

How to be a Respectful Classmate

How to be a Respectful Classmate

If you want to learn how to be respectful use THINK. THINK is a great process that helps people say the right thing when they can’t say anything at all, so it’s special in some in some people’s hearts, and it also helps you tell people there better than plain old great.          






Being Kind is huge in the world, because barely anyone is (except for friends) in the world and that is why it is a big thing so don’t forget, to be kind you need to say hi/hello, smile at someone or cheer someone up.

Put ups can be nice to people in all different ways like, when someone fails at something and says “oh, I can’t do this waaaaaaa” just tell them they’re great at other things, and it can also be used to help people when there falling behind.

Don’t forget that being, put ups, and THINK are all steps to being respectful, but there are so much more, I can’t even count how much more there is, so try to be respectful.

The last thing you need is to remember these 3 helpful things I mentioned before, so really the only thing you need is going to have to be respect.

By Harrison

Tanka Poem

Tanka Poem of The Silent Art Auction

Silent art auction

People were overflowed with joy

Bidding was hard core

Anxious crowd walking around

Red carpet to finish off


Tanka Poem of a Softball Game

At a softball game

Crowds roaring so crazily

Coaches sweating at the tension

Batters running fast

Fielders sprinting for the catch


By Jordyn



Tanka Poems

MT Everest


Chills went down my spine

My oxygen tank is low

As I stepped in snow

Cold breeze blowing in my face

My shoes stabbing into snow



Silent Art Auction

Chills went down my spine

I was nervous when speaking

Music was playing

Colourful umbrellas sold

People came to see our art


By: Keira

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Three Things I'd like my Teacher to Know Activity

Things I want Mrs Kerslake to know...2 from Jazz Rolton on Vimeo.

Today you will choose three things about you that you would like
Mrs Rolton and Miss Borowitzka to know. 
Follow the instruction in this post to complete your task.

1.  View the video in this post to give you an idea of what you are about to create.

2.  In your literacy book use the correct heading and date in the margin before you begin your writing about your top three choices.

3.  Once you have completed your three things, edit check, and then buddy edit check.

4.  Using a computer make a one page power point page that includes your top three choices.

5.  Edit check your work before saving onto a USB.

6.  On Monday submit your power point page to Mrs Rolton completed.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Tanka Poems

Silent Art Auction

Silent Art Auction

All umbrellas were sold then

Cold and nervy we are
Cheerful, magnificent colours

Visitors throwing money


Rio 2016

Heavy breathing souls

Running, Jumping, Swimming fast

Getting really high

All nations coming to watch

A time of fun in Rio 2016


By Hudson

Tanka Poem

                        Tanka Poems

Silent Art Auction Tanka Poem


Tonight we had fun

We raised a lot of money

We sold umbrellas

We had an amazing time

It was the best night ever



Tui Tanka Poem

Cutest dog ever

 She is fun to play with

She sleeps all day long

She loves to play all day long

She is a really fast runner


By Andie

Tanka Poems

Tanka Poems


Silent Art Auction

Silent Art Auction

Umbrellas being bought by

Music being played

Raising a lot of money

People enjoying the night



The Beach

Sunshine in my face

Having a good time with friends

Running in the sand

Water splashing on my feet

Enjoy the day at the beach



By Te Hana