Monday, June 27, 2016

Year 6 Fundraising - Raffle


Year 6 Fundraising Raffle

Week 10 - Monday 27, Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 June the Year 6 students will be selling raffle tickets at recess, outside the school office.


Please support our fundraising venture, funds raised will go towards our upcoming Camp to Broome and Graduation.


10 PRIZES TO BE WON: Vouchers from BK Beauty, Mister & Sister, Crave Juice Bar, Curio Corner Gifts, YIAH Condiments & Grocery Hamper.

Raffle - $2 Per Ticket

Winners will be announced Friday 22 July at our Year 6 Silent Auction


Prizes to be collected by Friday 29 July from the school office

Sunday, June 26, 2016

100 Word Challenge - Term 2 Week 10


As you can see, we have a photo for the prompt this week. It is of a real prison cell taken at Alcatraz off the coast of San Francisco in the United States of America.

When people visit they really feel a shiver just thinking what it must have been like to be in there.

Word Challenge Week#24
Things to consider:
  • Why would you be put in this cell?
  • How does it feel to be locked up?
  • Is it possible to escape? Could you think of a plan?
  • What is special about Alcatraz?
Remember if you are in the 5 Sentence Challenge Club you need to complete your challenge also.

Monday, June 20, 2016

100 Hundred Word Challenge - Term 2 Week 9

After the photograph of last week, which had been taken at Dubai airport, we return to a part of a sentence.

…a whistle blew and everyone disappeared…
Things to consider:
  • When and where are whistles blown?
  • What are whistles often a sign of?
  • Why were there a lot of people around?
  • Where did they go?

Spine Poems

Enormous EARS flapping

         ivory TUSKS guarding

     wrinkled TRUNK swinging

    strolling, heavily through

      the tall wild grasslands.


By Room 15

Sunday, June 12, 2016

100 Word Challenge Week 7 Response

100 Word Challenge


Vroom! The plane lands at the Bundi airport. Greg jumps off and makes his way through the airport and buys a ticket for the bus to McDonalds.

Along the way the bus breaks down and all the passengers have to make their way off. Greg finds a nice bench to sit on and read his book on.

While he was reading a bronze coloured man walked over and sat on the bench as soon as he sat down he went as solid as a rock. Greg says to him “hello”, he answers back, “nice to meet you”.  

By Jasper

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

100 Word Challenge - Term 2 Week 7

As you can see we have a photograph for the

100 Word Challenge this week.

I want you to think about the conversation these two gentlemen could have.

Where have they been?

Where are they going?

Are they together?

 If you are completing the 5 Sentence Challenge,

remember to read the prompts above.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Swimming Lessons 2016

Swimming Lessons with Room 15
In week 2 the Years 4-6's had swimming lessons to teach us how to swim and survive. Everyday for 2 weeks we walked to and from the pool.

We interviewed the Center Superviser Jennifer and this is what she had to say...

Question: How long have you been teaching swimming?

Answer:  16 fantastic years

Question: "why did you choose swimming over any other sport?"
Answer: It was recomended as a treatment for asthma

Question: " what is the code you stand by when you teach or swim?"
  • safety first
  • remember the aqua code
  • look after your self and your mates
We were very lucky to have someone so qualified to teach us how to swim, we thank her for her time and commitment over the 2 weeks.

By Kyra
Mat Race

Egg Beating Exercise

Team Mat Race

Survival Training

Harmony Day Media Report

                    HARMONY DAY

 The Room 15 media personel interviewed Jasper, Jayde, and Sarah on Harmony Day.
Why do we have Harmony Day?

To share the culture of Australia.

Do you like Harmony Day?

Yes- because it’s a great day to spend with our friends.

What was your favourite activity?

Drawing our faces and painting crazy hair on them.

Why do we eat other culture’s food?

To celebrate other peoples food and there culture.

Harmony Day is a day we celebrate other peoples culture’s from around the world.  We come together and celebrate our music, dancing and food.

By Hudson and Andie

Harmony Day

Harmony Day

H appy

A cceptance

R ace

M aking new friends

O ld

N ation

Y oung


D iversity

A ppreciation

Y outh


Together we stand hand and hand, forever forward!

By Andie

Harmony Day

Harmony Day

Our diversity is our strength because together we stand proud in Harmony.


Together we can be Australian, kiwi, Scottish and Iris.


We are all the same and all standing proud in harmony.


By Madison






Harmony Day

Harmony Day




Harmony Day

Harmony Day
Our diversity is our strength because together we accept everyone for who they are.
Together everyone is everything.
We can be Australian, Kiwi, British or Irish.
We are all the same and together we stand proud and in Harmony!
By Kyra