Monday, September 12, 2016

My Day At Broome Camp

My Day At Broome Camp

It was Wednesday and we all had to wake up. It was pretty early but everything was okay. I got up to change my pyjamas into my day clothes and so did everyone else in the boy’s dorm. We then all finished up and went to brush our teeth then we went outside. Since we were the breakfast setters and servers we had to go outside earlier then everyone else to set the food up for breakfast.

Then after we set the tables and had breakfast, we then changed into our rashes and shorts.  We went to the beach in the bus and had the legendary surf carnival. We had a relay around Yindi and Morph and then ran to the beach. We then did some surf boarding, we had fun. We then sadly had to leave the beach and head back to the bus for our Chinatown tour.

In Chinatown we then did an exploration and looked around. Chinatown was very pretty and cultural, to many tourists it is very beautiful and filled with relics.  After an hour or so of exploring it was time to head to the camp school and have a beach BBQ.

We walked down to the beach and had an Awesome BBQ! It was so delicious and lots of fun. I played Frisbee and Cricket with my buddies and pals, it was an amazing time!

Now it was time for the legendary Amazing Race! After we packed the BBQ we went back up to the camp school. I was ready for this as I had waited for the Amazing Race for 2 days, so I was exhilarated to be involved in this race!

So our first challenge was to make a paper airplane, then we did a hacky sack challenge near the boys dorm which was extremely hard.  We also had a challenge called Who is the Better Builder? then our next challenge was called SMILE, Aim and Shoot followed by Wobbles! And there was even more.

We were up to the last challenge but sadly we had ran outta time so then we went back to the dorm. We brushed our teeth then tucked into our beds ready to sleep in preparation to start a new day!

By Andrew

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