Monday, June 27, 2016

Year 6 Fundraising - Raffle


Year 6 Fundraising Raffle

Week 10 - Monday 27, Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 June the Year 6 students will be selling raffle tickets at recess, outside the school office.


Please support our fundraising venture, funds raised will go towards our upcoming Camp to Broome and Graduation.


10 PRIZES TO BE WON: Vouchers from BK Beauty, Mister & Sister, Crave Juice Bar, Curio Corner Gifts, YIAH Condiments & Grocery Hamper.

Raffle - $2 Per Ticket

Winners will be announced Friday 22 July at our Year 6 Silent Auction


Prizes to be collected by Friday 29 July from the school office

1 comment:

  1. Kia orana, my name is Nav.

    I really want to come with you to the pools because it looks really cool and you are having so much fun. I want to join you in the pools and I think you had a awesome day at the place, splashing in the water. It looks like you are learning cool stuff about swimming. My class went to the pools a few weeks ago and I really enjoyed that experience.

    Have a great day and I’ll see you soon!

    Here is my link if you want see my blog:
